Calm, before the waters roar and the rocks tremble...
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Bangels of the old City
Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Habits of the Rich and the FAmous!!
Disclaimer - I solemnly Take an oath that I shall write nothing but the truth.If friends find it hard to digest and want to kill me please take an appointment and I shall FLEE......
I am going to write a few habits of the famous friends I have and about few habits that I did not inherit,however do follow and practice them diligently
Miss V
Her mom- V get me some oil from the shop
V-looks @ aunt with red eyes,why you ask? cause maam was just applying mudfreak pack on her face.
1.Get up,washes her face,locks the room door for 45 min.opens it now(by the you could have produced oil out of a well!)
2.She is dressed for a party? no to get oil.
3.Looks at the mirror 20 times.
4.Walks out takes the car (the shop is 2 min away)
5.Walks back in changes the tee
6.Walks back to the car,takes her time adjusting the mirror,sits,gets out looks at her chappal(do not match) goes in again. Poor Aunt finally is coming in with oil pack in her hand.
7.V throws a fuss on how people do not let her do things at home(hmm we will maybe after million years)
V is a responsible adult now.She comes to India and spends 99% of her time shopping for latest clothes and is still stuck with her mirror obsession.However the mirror has been transported to USA and is living it's life and mailing me her daily activities which include,American face pack and Wal-Mart oil(poor car)
Miss N
She is what you call the typical BMTD(behnji turned mod) and she knows I call her it is ok big time ok....
Getting ready for work
Pink shirt,Brown slacks,Pink Shoes,Brown bag,Pink lipstick and well a pink Kinetic(courtesy out old garage chacha).oop's forgot to mention the pink crunchy and the pink bangles.Yes,I lived with her for 20 year and I think am a little colour blind!!!
N lives in away from India,the Bata pink has moved on to designer pink chappal.The obsession still continuous.However thanks to her husband the only thing matching now are her bag and crunchy.Bravo Hubby dear.....
Mr. S
Hmm I can talk and talk and he will bury me upside down
throw the towel on the bed,S picks it up and puts it in the required position(dimension,angles all measured),throw it again he puts it back again and you get a lecture on how to place the towel properly.
move the sofa by and inch,(sit and watch the fun)normal eyes would not even notice this.His supersonic eyes do notice.Walks ,pulls the sofa back to the normal position,(the line on the floor should be horizontal and parallel to the sofa legs(I too do not know how),move again? it is back in it's position by the time u blink.
throw books on the table,they automatically appear neat in a millisecond.with position accord to size and numerous combinations.ha ha I love troubling S....
S lives here in our beloved country and the habits will not die,even if u kill them..
Was I mean,rude,overly insensitive otherwise a Big Bad _ _ _ _ _!!!hmmm I am thinkin....hmmmmm
a couple more to continue in the next episode!!!!
I am going to write a few habits of the famous friends I have and about few habits that I did not inherit,however do follow and practice them diligently
Miss V
Her mom- V get me some oil from the shop
V-looks @ aunt with red eyes,why you ask? cause maam was just applying mudfreak pack on her face.
1.Get up,washes her face,locks the room door for 45 min.opens it now(by the you could have produced oil out of a well!)
2.She is dressed for a party? no to get oil.
3.Looks at the mirror 20 times.
4.Walks out takes the car (the shop is 2 min away)
5.Walks back in changes the tee
6.Walks back to the car,takes her time adjusting the mirror,sits,gets out looks at her chappal(do not match) goes in again. Poor Aunt finally is coming in with oil pack in her hand.
7.V throws a fuss on how people do not let her do things at home(hmm we will maybe after million years)
V is a responsible adult now.She comes to India and spends 99% of her time shopping for latest clothes and is still stuck with her mirror obsession.However the mirror has been transported to USA and is living it's life and mailing me her daily activities which include,American face pack and Wal-Mart oil(poor car)
Miss N
She is what you call the typical BMTD(behnji turned mod) and she knows I call her it is ok big time ok....
Getting ready for work
Pink shirt,Brown slacks,Pink Shoes,Brown bag,Pink lipstick and well a pink Kinetic(courtesy out old garage chacha).oop's forgot to mention the pink crunchy and the pink bangles.Yes,I lived with her for 20 year and I think am a little colour blind!!!
N lives in away from India,the Bata pink has moved on to designer pink chappal.The obsession still continuous.However thanks to her husband the only thing matching now are her bag and crunchy.Bravo Hubby dear.....
Mr. S
Hmm I can talk and talk and he will bury me upside down
throw the towel on the bed,S picks it up and puts it in the required position(dimension,angles all measured),throw it again he puts it back again and you get a lecture on how to place the towel properly.
move the sofa by and inch,(sit and watch the fun)normal eyes would not even notice this.His supersonic eyes do notice.Walks ,pulls the sofa back to the normal position,(the line on the floor should be horizontal and parallel to the sofa legs(I too do not know how),move again? it is back in it's position by the time u blink.
throw books on the table,they automatically appear neat in a millisecond.with position accord to size and numerous combinations.ha ha I love troubling S....
S lives here in our beloved country and the habits will not die,even if u kill them..
Was I mean,rude,overly insensitive otherwise a Big Bad _ _ _ _ _!!!hmmm I am thinkin....hmmmmm
a couple more to continue in the next episode!!!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Time and Space...
The essence of competitiveness is liberated when we make people believe that what they think and do is important - and then get out of their way while they do it.
-Jack Welch
It is true and I believe in the above.Sometimes you have this urge to check on your team and monitor them continually.this tends to make them feel like you on there head.So try and leave them till the date given and let them come to you for any reference.It helps.I remember my boss telling me this recently.
This statement does apply to many things.Like at home with kids.Let them be on their own do not pounce on them every second.My parents follow my kid everywhere and he tends to get spoilt.I say Let him be,if he gets funny then he knows he will get a teeny punishment an all is set right.
Rewind a little - my parents never tried to push us on anything.If mum said you got to finish your homework by 7.30pm.It had to be done and actually it was.She used to walk into our room @ 8 pm and voila the work was ready.If it was not she would ask us why and decide the future course of action(which was default standing on one leg for 10 min)
I am a kind who tends to get nervous and keeps checking on given tasks or anything every second.I infact tend to suffocate people a lot. I keep doing this not only At work but follow it even in personal life....lets hope for less pressure from me in the coming days!!!!!!!!!!!
-Jack Welch
It is true and I believe in the above.Sometimes you have this urge to check on your team and monitor them continually.this tends to make them feel like you on there head.So try and leave them till the date given and let them come to you for any reference.It helps.I remember my boss telling me this recently.
This statement does apply to many things.Like at home with kids.Let them be on their own do not pounce on them every second.My parents follow my kid everywhere and he tends to get spoilt.I say Let him be,if he gets funny then he knows he will get a teeny punishment an all is set right.
Rewind a little - my parents never tried to push us on anything.If mum said you got to finish your homework by 7.30pm.It had to be done and actually it was.She used to walk into our room @ 8 pm and voila the work was ready.If it was not she would ask us why and decide the future course of action(which was default standing on one leg for 10 min)
I am a kind who tends to get nervous and keeps checking on given tasks or anything every second.I infact tend to suffocate people a lot. I keep doing this not only At work but follow it even in personal life....lets hope for less pressure from me in the coming days!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Life @ this moment!!!
Have you been close to someone? So close that you could actually finish his/her sentence,think like them,predict what their next move is and feel every emotion together. I am sure I did.
But what happens when one day the person treats you like a stranger.Does not give the key to their thoughts and lets you ponder on what is going on.It is eerie feeling.It is like you have lost out on someone.I wonder how does one deal with it?
We loose out on many people in life,few due to unavoidable circumstances,some due to fights and some due to your will.However,if someone who you want to be with let it be a friend or family or some one u in love with.When S/he shuts the door and refuses to accept your presence,it hurts at first.Then you tend to look back at the moments shared and wonder!!!!Was it the same person who was laughing with you,talking to you,singing with you and sharing little dreams with you.
You wish the times come back and wish for the best.Fortunate is the one who leaves think and wonder if time has what does one do let go or live in the moment?
But what happens when one day the person treats you like a stranger.Does not give the key to their thoughts and lets you ponder on what is going on.It is eerie feeling.It is like you have lost out on someone.I wonder how does one deal with it?
We loose out on many people in life,few due to unavoidable circumstances,some due to fights and some due to your will.However,if someone who you want to be with let it be a friend or family or some one u in love with.When S/he shuts the door and refuses to accept your presence,it hurts at first.Then you tend to look back at the moments shared and wonder!!!!Was it the same person who was laughing with you,talking to you,singing with you and sharing little dreams with you.
You wish the times come back and wish for the best.Fortunate is the one who leaves think and wonder if time has what does one do let go or live in the moment?
Monday, April 23, 2007
pic - google images
stran·ger - person with whom one has had no personal acquaintance
Stranger is the strangest word of all.I can vouch for it.
All of us have been strangers to each other till we started reading each others we tend to form a group that does not forget to visit your blog.Like a frnd dropping in for coffee in the evening.It has become a ritual for me to visit all you blogs and get my daily dose of your world!!!
A stranger walked into my life once.Choose to turn into a reflection and thinks he is still a stranger to me.It is strange that the path has come to the beginning.Is it a new beginning???
A little stranger moved in me for nine months.He was out and looked out of place like in the dictionary meaning of stranger.days passed by and every minute of his action is strange to me.He fills me with strange surprises!!!!
Few women who were strangers till yesterday are my best buddies.I love the way they shower their love.some show it little and some show it all.It is strange that we were strangers @ first......
Here is a little for those strangers...
you walk on without any fear,
I know you will find someone very dear.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Satur - DAY!!!!!
pic by P lol
Saturday was one of those days that began with an eerie feeling and that lasted for a while and still is on.I opened my mail to see a stomach churning mail from R.That does not stop I am caught in this emotional grill.I baul my heart out and leave home to reach a friends plc to see she was in the same state.I was cursing 21rst and will for long time to come.
However as a coin has 2 sides the guardian decided enough of folin around and showered me with blessings.
1.I mailed a famous photographer in hyd asking him if I can be his flunky for a while.Till I join the photography school.I forgot and decided that this famous chap will never call me.Voila he did and he was kind enough help me out and meet me this Sunday.ha my day was looking good, baby good.
2.I picked up my friend and go to see my bro and sil,they celebrating their first wedding anniversary.It had to be all romantic and all,we were planning to pick up a cake flowers and lots of things.So,my friend and I got out of our place and driving in a the insane mood and a hot sat afternoon and the car stops.Imagine our plight instead of getting angry and blowing our steam(for our day started bad) we laughed our $^& off and were actually clicking pic of old building in the traffic and public screaming @ us he he(i can still see there expressions)
3.We ended up having a ball of a time @ the house and then we decide to go to a temple like good gals and guys(after all first wedding anniversary).I proudly take them to a temple.Now i have no clue if this was the temple My pa was talking about.WE just cruise in and the temple has no pujari,no one in the vicinity to take care of us or the god.Ironic we take care of ourselves and the god and laugh our way out.(certified godswo/men).......
The day was not bad after all and I have taken few decisions yesterday which will stand right for the first time...
This would make nosense to most,however I wanted to remember this day for life and my blog will keep it intact....
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Me the RARE breed!!!
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP) |
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive. Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
Ha,I always thought i was kinda rare breed and this proves it right!
Like this poem I wrote describes me
you will find me where the waters flow free,
you will find me in the forest full of wild trees.
you will try and tie me down,i will smile and run along....
I will leave you when I want,I will come back when you in need.
I am the invisible,I am the unknown.
I am full of mystery for the sane in insanity....
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
the above is "ik onkar", comes from the first 2 words of the scared "Guru Granth Sahib".It means one and that everyone is equal.
I am a Hindu a Brahmin to be precise.Now why I am I saying all this to you and myself?there is this endless debate about what religion is and how you got to follow your religion from childhood.
My parents never forced my brother and me to follow out religion.They did not force us to go to the temple or for that matter pray.So,was I deprived of religious thoughts.For that matter I know most of the mantras and believe in the vedas.However I am not sure of my belief in The "Gods".
But my question remains.did anyone see the God's above?did anyone interact with Ram,Krishna or Vishnu for that matter?.Did anyone sit next to Ganesha or Shiva? I am not sure they did.
I for my thoughts believe in those who lived with the mankind and behaved like them.
I am strange i still go to temple,love the smell of temples actually :).Love the prasad love the chants and love the choir and love the namaz.However i cannot get to stay on anyside.I am always confused bout my idea of Religon.
I believe in Ik onkar.I believe that GOD is one and S/He lives within you.You trust your own self and you have trusted GOD.
The rest is for you to imagine......
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Shine on you Crazy diamond!!!
pic courtesy - my digi
I was driving to work on a pleasant summer evening,my mood was not fit to fix anything.Was listening to "shine on " and was trying to sing along.There i took a left turn and as usual passing by the lane and the old school road.This was on the right, a gulmohar bathing in the sun ray's.I had to stop my car and capture it.My mood started shining the song was near perfect.
How I wish everyday was so enchanting and full of moments to capture.....
Friday, April 13, 2007
Feel it !!!!

a friend sent me this mail and It made me smile, go on a nostalgic trip and much more.....hope it has the same effect on you
Celebration means......
Four friends.
Bahar barsaat.
Four glasses of beer.
Celebration means......
Hundred bucks of petrol.
A rusty old bike.
And an open road.
Celebration means......
Maggi noodles.
A hostel room.
4.25 a.m.
Celebration means......
3 old friends.
3 separate cities.
3 coffee mugs.
1 Internet messenger.
Celebration means...... Rain on a hot tin roof.
Pakoras deep-frying.
Neighbors dropping in.
A party.
Celebration means......
You and mom.
A summer night.
A bottle of coconut oil.
A head massage.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Appraisal is the in thing Honey....
Here is bit of what I go through....
My mind stopped thinking for the past few hours.Now it is normal when asked to sleep,smoke,eat,talk or do any random thing.It only goes into coma when asked to write about myself in my appraisal.
Yes,that is what I am shaking and going craze over.I am kind of confused over what I have done in the past 6 months.I.e after my first performance review.The reasons being unlike the whole world my job has no specified KRA(key responsible areas).I kind of manage many things.Jim of all trades.However,this is one time of the year where I got to pull in all the mails dated year 1600. It is tad difficult to as few of them have been archive.So,what do I do.I write and rewrite things I have done.Now,this means I got to boast of the good and data specific work I have done.
I got neat friends in office who stand next to me and go like "deepthi this this this is what you have done on that date or "wait I have copy of all the mails you sent" or" here is the for you".Seriously love you guys for that and thanks.(your treat chai @ bus stop).
So self appraisal is nothing but you got to praise yourself till you get that 5 pointer.I need that 5 pointer badly.I need for a growth,more job responsibilities,more training in a cool resort.the most imp thing more money honey...
I heard one of the guys in office saying what is in a position and why do u need one? Well I do need one to get a great pay pack when I leave and to ensure I have achieved great deal @ my work place.I am after all a normal human who deserves things worth the work I put in right?????
Here is bit of what I go through....
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
SOmething that a website had to tell me????
I was going through CM's blog and got on to a site which has funny and intresting things like the below and thought I'd try and voila It had to happen..I am not sure how....
Your True Love Is an Aries |
Why you'll love an Aries: An Aries has the red-hot seduction skills to woo you Never boring, an Aries will give you the romantic challenge you crave! Why an Aries will love you: You have the intensity and energy to go head to head with your Aries... And the undying passion to keep an Aries coming back for more. |
and here I present the Biryani.....
ok here we go.....
Biryani ummm mouth waters,taste buds tangle and I just want to get there and grab the goddam Biryani now...I am from the city that is famous for food.If you are a guest of our city,we will never ever let you go without taking you to Paradise,Bawarchi,Old city.We will force you to eat out Biryani and wait till you fill your heart and stomach and then say "wah wah".The biryani is the word for the hour,day,week,month and year here.
so,how did it arrive here.I hope it was not parceled in silver foil and mailed overnight? actually the Emperor Aurangzeb got this touch to our land when he was here in 1600.He came along with a couple of governors and one of them stayed behind...
This comes in 2 kinds the Katchi and the Pakki.The huge difference is in the preparation method.The name comes from Perisan word biriani which means fired or roasted.The nizmas kitchen boasted 49 kinds of this biryani.Another popular version is the Awadhi biryani.The vegetarian version is called Tehri .
Please find the recipe here and may your taste buds love mua....

Hyderabadi Biryani
Meat - 1 KG Boneless
Basmati Rice - 1/2kg
Onion - 2 Big
Lime Juice - 1/4 Cup
Curd - 500 GM
Ginger Garlic Paste - 4-6 Tsp.
Red Chilli Powder - 1/2 Tsp.
Green Chilli - 4-6 grind into fine past
Shazeera - A Pinch of Shazeera
Clove - 1-2
Cinamon - 1-2
Cardamon - 2-3
Coriander Leaves - A bunch finely chopped
Mint leaves - 8-10 sticks - Plucked only leaves
Safron - 2 pinch of safron, immerse in water
Safron color - A pinch of color liquified with water
Ghee - 2 Tsp.
Oil - 2 Cup oil
Salt - To taste
Cut the meat into 4" square pieces and wash it
Add ginger garlic paste to the washed meat and Marinate it for 1 hour.
While marinating you cut the onions thinly lengthwise and Fry the onions in the oil on low flame till it becomes golden brown.
Now remove the golden brown onions from the oil and spread it on the plate, when it cool then crush it with your hand.
Now add the curd 3/4 part of crushed fried onion, Red chilli powder, Green chilli paste, Cinamon, Cardamon, Shazeera, Clove, Coriander leaves, Mint leaves and safron water, salt to taste and remaining part of the oil into this marinated meat and leave for one hour.
After one hour take basmati rice and washed and now pour water into the rice as you cook it and add salt one tea spoon, Cinamon, Cardamon, Shazeera, Clove, Coriander leave, mint leave, Green chilli 2 cut into lenght wise. Now put on flame but when rice start cooking when the rice becomes half cookded. Then remove it flame. Drain out the water completly. Now spread this half cooked rice on the marinated meat. Upon the rice layer you spread lime juice, saffron color and ghee and remaining part of the crushed onion.
Now cover the utensil with lid tightly. Keep it on a very low flame After 1/2 hour exactly take it out from the flame.
Now your delicious tasty Hyderabadi Biryani is ready to eat.
Serve hot with curd chutney or with Bagare Baigan Curry.
the above preparation is from the web and not by me so me too will try and let you know
Biryani ummm mouth waters,taste buds tangle and I just want to get there and grab the goddam Biryani now...I am from the city that is famous for food.If you are a guest of our city,we will never ever let you go without taking you to Paradise,Bawarchi,Old city.We will force you to eat out Biryani and wait till you fill your heart and stomach and then say "wah wah".The biryani is the word for the hour,day,week,month and year here.
so,how did it arrive here.I hope it was not parceled in silver foil and mailed overnight? actually the Emperor Aurangzeb got this touch to our land when he was here in 1600.He came along with a couple of governors and one of them stayed behind...
This comes in 2 kinds the Katchi and the Pakki.The huge difference is in the preparation method.The name comes from Perisan word biriani which means fired or roasted.The nizmas kitchen boasted 49 kinds of this biryani.Another popular version is the Awadhi biryani.The vegetarian version is called Tehri .
Please find the recipe here and may your taste buds love mua....
Hyderabadi Biryani
Meat - 1 KG Boneless
Basmati Rice - 1/2kg
Onion - 2 Big
Lime Juice - 1/4 Cup
Curd - 500 GM
Ginger Garlic Paste - 4-6 Tsp.
Red Chilli Powder - 1/2 Tsp.
Green Chilli - 4-6 grind into fine past
Shazeera - A Pinch of Shazeera
Clove - 1-2
Cinamon - 1-2
Cardamon - 2-3
Coriander Leaves - A bunch finely chopped
Mint leaves - 8-10 sticks - Plucked only leaves
Safron - 2 pinch of safron, immerse in water
Safron color - A pinch of color liquified with water
Ghee - 2 Tsp.
Oil - 2 Cup oil
Salt - To taste
Cut the meat into 4" square pieces and wash it
Add ginger garlic paste to the washed meat and Marinate it for 1 hour.
While marinating you cut the onions thinly lengthwise and Fry the onions in the oil on low flame till it becomes golden brown.
Now remove the golden brown onions from the oil and spread it on the plate, when it cool then crush it with your hand.
Now add the curd 3/4 part of crushed fried onion, Red chilli powder, Green chilli paste, Cinamon, Cardamon, Shazeera, Clove, Coriander leaves, Mint leaves and safron water, salt to taste and remaining part of the oil into this marinated meat and leave for one hour.
After one hour take basmati rice and washed and now pour water into the rice as you cook it and add salt one tea spoon, Cinamon, Cardamon, Shazeera, Clove, Coriander leave, mint leave, Green chilli 2 cut into lenght wise. Now put on flame but when rice start cooking when the rice becomes half cookded. Then remove it flame. Drain out the water completly. Now spread this half cooked rice on the marinated meat. Upon the rice layer you spread lime juice, saffron color and ghee and remaining part of the crushed onion.
Now cover the utensil with lid tightly. Keep it on a very low flame After 1/2 hour exactly take it out from the flame.
Now your delicious tasty Hyderabadi Biryani is ready to eat.
Serve hot with curd chutney or with Bagare Baigan Curry.
the above preparation is from the web and not by me so me too will try and let you know
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Those were the days,when life was just seen like one gushing fall.
No one to stop you,no boundaries around.Even if they did you never cared.
It is rather strange that you have frozen today,
have the insides refused to melt or has the hurt dried them like the summer sun?
You asked me as a child,is there a reason for this pain? is there no room for it to be locked? is there no one above it? is it you that enjoys causing it?
My dear I have grown within you,you nurtured me and made me what I am today.
you gave me soil,you gave me shade,you made me feel like a queen till date.
I do not want to tear you apart or cut the chord.
I just want you to realise that I am a part and parcel of life.
I come when you ask me to and leave when you healed.
I have no destiny or no choice of my own.
I just remain there for you to call,as you did many times.
I came running into your hugged me,kissed me and threw me away when the deed was done.
I am the name you call me with,I am the insane,I am the traitor,I am the ruler of the empty space,deep within your broken heart!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Hyderabadi Heritage
I promised that I will write about the Chowmahalla Palace.So,keeping my promise here is what I could gather about the Palace.
Chowmahalla Palace
Chow means four and Mahalla means Palace Chowmahlla=four palaces.Nizam Salabhat Jung in 1750 was the person behind giving shape to this construction and Nizam Afzar-ud-Dawla Bahadur was the key person to ensure the construction was completed during 1857 and 1869.The palace is on 45 acres.However the sad truth is that only 11 or 12 acres remain untouched.It has Laad or the Chudi bazaar next to it.It is very close to the Shalibanda cross roads.We got confused getting there as it was a jam packed traffic night at Charminar.
This was built as a replica of the Shah's Palace in Teheran.Only one part of the Palace is open to public now and it sure my breath away.There is a clock on one of the towers here and It was prompt and kept ticking away ever hour.It has been working since the day the palace was built.
The Council Hall which housed a rare collection of manuscripts and priceless books is where the Nizam often met important officials. Roshan Bangla is another garden which got the name after the sixth Nizams mother.
The best part is the centerpiece which is so exquisite.It was the seat of Asaf Jahi dynasty.You have to take a look at it and it takes your breath,heart everything away for few minutes.It is mind blowing.Chowmahalla, apparently had more then 7000 attendants and has been compared to the ‘Enchanted Gardens of the Arabian Nights’.(Now that is for records)
If and when you in Hyderabad or the city of pearls take time out to visit this magnificent structure.It has to be on your list of places to see before I Die list.
Out of my experience I have to tell you it was hypnotising to be there.I was looking up while I was in the concert to see if there are any Princely Ghosts around to tell me the history of the palace
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